Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Monday 13 August 2012

Phoenix & My Siblings

Okay, so one of the things Phoenix is bad for is that he has nipped a few members of my family. The list is as follow but keep in mind that it really was not his fault.

My sister - the jacket she was wearing had food on it, so he thought she was share. He nipped her hand.

My brother - his tummy and foot got in the way when he was nipped and that was because he was teasing Phoenix, then showed fear.

My mother - her bum and elbow! I am not sure how the bum thing happened but the elbow was because she moved when giving him food, so he missed.

Myself - I was nipped in the arm when my mother went to give him a toy but teased him instead and I put my arm up and he got me. He felt bad about it.

So, you see it really is not his fault. He is getting very old and grey. He has very cute moments and lots of them. He is very playful and most people do not get to see that side of him. He loves Hugoboss and Cairo but will do without the other two cats. He is very happy that the girl cats are all gone, mostly Russia as she would give him the most beatings. Pretty funny to see.

I love him, a lot!


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