Going on rides that scared the life out of me and backing out to many other rides because for sure I would be the one who would fall out and die! I mean, hello? I got many bruises from those damn rides! I know some people, friends who will always love roller coasters and amusement parks, and I doubt that will change. I imagine some of them being 70 years old and still going on the rides, while I have another heart attack holding their canes and keeping their walkers safe! LOL
I remember going to Canada's Wonderland when I was a child with my cousin and I remember that I really was not afraid of the rides. We went on all of them, but when you are a child you really do not think much about fears which is a good thing because you get to enjoy life more. Sometimes it was a pleasant surprise to find hardly any lineups, the longest may have been about half an hour.

As I got older though things changed. I mean, I still went on many rides in the beginning but later on it started to fade away. Now, I just enjoy walking around the whole day, while others go on the rides or when I get to see my nieces and nephews - they have so much fun.

Let's not forget that I am the QUEEN of the water games and won many stuffed toys that I am still surprised that there was any room in the car to get the kids in, too. Often I thought "someone will need to walk home!" But no, we all fit even if our body's and faces were smack up against the window of the car!
We went to Canada's Wonderland as children and we go there as adults (still kids at heart) and we have seen many changes to this park. New rides have been built and new fears, thrills and excitement builds up in each of us. Let's not forget more memories are made with love ones. Great times!
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