Is constantly craving and chewing ice a sign of anemia?
from Ruben A. Mesa, M.D.
Possibly. Doctors use the term "pica" to describe craving and chewing substances that have no nutritional value — such as ice, clay, cornstarch or paper. Transient pica is very common in normal children. On the other hand, craving and chewing ice (pagophagia) is often associated with iron deficiency anemia — although it may be associated with other nutritional problems as well.
It's not known why some people with iron deficiency anemia crave and chew ice. Results from one study suggest it may be because of ice's pain-relieving properties, since some people with iron deficiency anemia experience tongue pain and inflammation (glossitis). The same researchers found that ice has a new and better taste to some people who are iron deficient.
In some individuals, pica is a sign of emotional problems, such as stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder or a developmental disorder.
A thorough medical evaluation can help determine if pica is due to an underlying medical condition. If the cause of pica is an emotional or developmental issue, cognitive behavioral therapy may be helpful.
These little frozen grapes are a healthy snack that are great for both children and adults. It is a must and love to eat, especially when it is a hot day!
Use any kind of grapes you like green or red grapes does not matter. Just remove any seeds from them. Cut them in half and remove the seeds before you freeze them. These treats taste just like the Welch’s grape juice!
Grapes have potassium which is important for overall cardiovascular health and phytonutrients called anthocyanins which can have powers 50 times stronger then vitamin E.
Frozen Grapes (makes 1 Cup)
1 Cup Grapes, any color (make sure they are seedless and if not seed them before freezing).
1. Place the washed grapes on a cookie sheet (If your little one is under the age of 2, halve the grapes before freezing).
2. Place the cookie sheet in the freezer for 4 hours.
3. Serve.
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