The world is filled with amazing statues. They have their own stories to tell and they make you feel something when you look at them. Each in their own right stand still in time as each passing day goes by. These statues have seen many things, some have seen someone's first kiss, a proposal, a fight between love ones and so much more.
But each one of these statues made you something that you have never felt before. At first you focus on the beauty and the details that were put into making it. The person who made these statues was it what they had in mind? Most likely not - these statues formed their own significance in history.
Each of these statues have an importance to each person. Everyone looks at them differently and they can make us sad or happy. For some they will just walk pass one of these statues and not think anything. They may not see it's beauty or know it's history because their lives could be to busy. Perhaps, our lives are overly rushed and sometimes we take things - beauty for granted.
It truly is a shame that some do not stop and appreciate all the artwork inside and outside. To think that a person could make something so beautiful and amazing for the rest of the world to enjoy. I have to wonder if some of these statues really guide their maker to make them this beautiful? I guess we can never really know or perhaps it is just a silly thought.
The art in these statues are very detailed and they bring out so many emotions. Time spent in the hospital, a death of a child and a memory that will always be burning a hole in ones heart. There were many days that I sat by this statue waiting and worrying. How many times did I pray to God to set you free from your pain? How many times did I pray that this did not happen to you? I wished so many times that you would be okay and could go home healthy again, but you did not and my prays failed you. I am sorry that this has happened to you.
The first time I saw this statue I thought that may be love was everyone's best kept secret and having love in your life would always keep us happy but that was just a foolish girls dream. Yes, it is beautiful but it is painful. Love is painful sometimes and it needs so much work. The statue makes it look so easy but reality says it is hard.
Every time we find something so beautiful in this world we need to just stop for a moment and take the time to enjoy what we see and how it makes us feel, bad or good. Just take the moment and enjoy it.
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