Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Tuesday 4 September 2012

A Mother's Control

When is it time to stop a mother's control? I would think as soon as the child is an adult, No? I mean as much as it ills me to know that my baby sister is an adult and has an adult relationship, I know she has that God given right to do what she likes. It is her life and I do support her choices.

You cannot tell her what to do or who to be with. You can guide her but that is about it. Whatever choices she makes - are hers to make - not her mother's. It amazes me that you still do not get that.

You do not get to control everyone's life. You are not the boss. You need to learn that the more you push those who are left - one day there will be no one left to push around and you will be alone because of it. That is the choices you made and have to live with.

To much damage has been done - I am NO LONGER a forgiving person. I spent years forgiving and for what? All it got me was a strong desire to not live life. To become a person a did not like and you take no responsibility for anything that you had your hand in?

I walked away, she has stood up for herself many times and has also walked away from your insane crap, one left. Keep pushing and he is going to run away, too.


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