Do you remember your first kiss? How did it make you feel? Where were you and who did you kiss? Did you have butterflies?

I would go for a bike ride and do the whole no hands thing. He was walking pass me and made a rude comment. (it was deffinitly the boy oulls the girls hair because he likes her, kind of moment)
I asked him what his problem was and he gave a song and dance that just made me more mad then before. I decided not to give him the time of day and kept riding the bike.
I also, like a foolish girl looked back to see if he was still close by. By the time I turned my head around I was flying over a parked car and off the bike, landing flat on my back!
I remembered thinking that this was going to be a very interesting summer and it really was. As I was laying, the elderly couple watching my mess unfolding on their lawn came up to me and said "are you okay dear? Do you need help?" No, thank you was all I reply. "not to worry dear, you'll be just fine." aaawwwww....
A few days later, bruised up in body and in mind Rodney took me for a walk to a creek. He leaned in put his hand on my face his lips touched mine and we kissed. I have to say it was something because it gave me so many butterflies. I was no longer bruised. We enjoyed that summer fling!
My first kiss with the first man I ever loved was filled with passion but I was so nervous. I was talking far to much and shaking at the knees because I had no idea he wanted to kiss me. So, when he did it was magic (okay, I know what you are thinking, cheesy!) But it was!
I mean everything around us did not matter. It was exciting, my heart was racing and time was still. It was a great moment.
My last kiss was with someone I loved dearly and lost. I can never get that moment and it is haunting. That kiss never touched my lips but it was a real as the first passionate kiss. I will always wonder about it.
I will never forget my kiss, my first loves kiss or my untouched haunting last kiss.
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