Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Tuesday 16 October 2012

October - Anit-Bullying Month

Bullying has been around forever and it is thriving every 7 minutes. Bullying happens in school we all know this but what is or seems to be forgotten is that there is also bullying outside of the school.

Bullying happens at home, too. It is not just between strangers, classmates or friends. Look closer to home in some cases. 

Some parents bullying there own children, as well as each other. Husband and wives bully each with words and with touch. Siblings bullying each other, too. For the most part the bullying is not as bad but what we all do not realize - is that sometimes it is worse.

In one of my earlier post I admit to the bullying that happen to me in school. At the time I really thought what could be worse? Now I know. Growing up with violence both physical and emotional is bullying. Now I am caught up with the verbal and emotional bullying that I have no control over.

I keep quite and try to stay out of the way but the control and not having the right to say a word is so overwhelming. I cry every night and wish that it will end soon but when I wake in the morning all I do is wonder, why?

What happened to treating people fairly and with respect? No one is speaking up for those who are not treated well. There is no respect amongst us or any consideration for each other. Outsiders are treated better while we struggle each day. There is no regard for anyone's health physically or emotionally. They do not realize what they do and say have a huge impact and causes more damage. How do you make them understand that what they are doing to pushing you over the edge? 

I wish I had the answers and feel awful that this life of bullying continues for so many people everyday. Including me.


Stand up to bullying;

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