Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Saturday 21 April 2012

Burnt Toast

A fact about me! There was a time when I could not make toast without burning it! In fact I think I burnt a lot of things because I setted to very cook! Cut me a break here! I mean was a child for goodness sakes!

Later on things changed and I got better at the whole cooking thing which is a good thing. Now and again I will not lie I still burn the toast but blame it on the toaster. Who does not do that! COME ON! You know you did it, too! So, do not even dare to pretend that burning toast has never happened to you! Just just have to laugh it off and not make such a big deal about it! 

I found this quote and I agreed with the blogger who wrote a piece about it.

"If you get upset when the toast burns, what are you going to do when your house burns down?"

From Blogger

Take a read

          "So back to the burnt toast. I hate it when I am craving some toast and jam and I go through the steps to prepare this and fail to pay attention and burn my toast. So I throw away the burnt toast and start over. If I am set on the perfect piece of toast and do not achieve that, I may end up going through a whole loaf of bread. The same applies to achieving a successful outcome to parental alienation.

It won't be perfect. But why waste your time and anger over trying to achieve the perfect piece of toast? Before you know it, you could go through your whole loaf of bread seeking perfection and in the meantime burn down your house losing all the precious memories.

Getting your children back, takes alot of patience and tolerance. Things have changed and it will never be the same. Having your children return means that you can start new and build a new relationship, while allowing them to remember the good times in the past in their own time."

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