Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Sunday 16 December 2012

Heart Breaking Lost

When I woke up the other and turned the television on I was both sadden and pissed off. The Newtown shooting was a shock and seeing the news was unbelievable. I hate watching the new and learning of heart breaking news is a big reason why. 

The lost that those families are going through is awful. No one could even understand what they are going through if they have not been through it themselves. Coming to terms and coping will not come easily and it may never come. 

The adults knew and could understand what was happening but those poor children - they were to young to understand. What could they have been thinking. Just thinking about it makes me cry.

I feel sick knowing what those parents went through when they went to get their children and were told that their children were gone. It is heart breaking and there really is nothing that can be said to make those families feel better because the lights of the lives are gone. Picking up the broken pieces will be even harder and my hope is that they grab hold of any hope they have deep inside of them. I hope and wish them peace.


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