Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Thursday 16 February 2012

The Blues

Music - not feeling blue (I do, but that is not what this is about) YEAH

I do not know many people who enjoy that same music as do. I have a wide taste in music but the music that I love the is all of the music that have great SOUL!

Music has a way of escaping a headache, heartache, keeps the silence at bay or just feels good. the music you listen to have many places in your life. Music for when you are happy, sad, lost, lonely or even angry. It could be romantic, sexy (for sexytime) or calming while taking a shower or for the drive you take.

When we listen to music, what do we hear? For me, I take the music and pull back the layers. I hear the sounds like any other person, but I also hear the words, the tone, or maybe the sadness and I hear the under belly of each music note. I take it apart and feel it through. If you really think about you do it too. You notice the violin, or the bass, perhaps the drums are louder or the guitar. 

There is something in the music that has the ability to change your mood. Touch your soul like Nina Simone, Etta James, B.B King, Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, Adele, Amy Winehouse, The Decemberist, Mutemath, Portishead, Van Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix, Alisa Turner and many more.  It is all your own taste maybe it is Jay-z, Madonna, The Rolling Stones and R. Kelly.

My point is all of these artists have a voice that they belt out, or play the violin like the devil the thing is it has an affect on us. We take enjoyment in what they do in many different ways.


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