Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Moments in your life...

There are moments in your life that will change you forever. Some moments will touch your heart and have a profound effect on you, while other moments will be devastating.

I have had both of these moments. The ones that have touched me have been the most beautiful moments of my life. Filled with so much good, kindness, love and compassion.

The bad moments have caused so much pain in my heart and in my mind. With all the bad moments, nothing ever prepares you when you sit down alone with a doctor and he tells you things you do not understand. How, when and why? So, many questions.

You listen as they explain the next steps in your life that you need to take but somehow you are no longer in the room face to face with the doctor. All that goes through your mind are all the moments in your life. What you have done or have not done. Where did the time go? How have I been alone? My punishment.

Being alone during this time is eating me up inside and haunting me. I think about so many things that I wanted to happen, that I want to do but now? How? You can never get back that time you lost. What a waste. God's plans are cruel.

Live for the moments that touch your life. Love, laugh and whatever you can that will keep your life full. You can never go back, so make each day matter.

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