Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Why do you cook?

Someone once asked me 'why do you cook? Why teach me?' For me it is simple. I cook or bake because it is a gate way to comfort. It is not so much what you make but rather the time you put into it. The feelings you have while making it. I may be in a sad mood, a happy mood, it could be out of angry or even over tears.
My point is this whatever your mood is the food with be whatever you create. 
It could really be the best thing you ever made and your family and friends will 
think you to be a master chef in their presents! Or it could really taste awful but no one has the heart to tell you that your pizza sauce was not cook but hey! They ate it any ways. Afterall, like my grandfather would say "you'll eat anything when you're hungry." but what he was really telling me was 'I love that you tried'
The things that bring people together usually has lots of food near by. Great 
company and so much laughter. Food is comfort

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