Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Sunday 5 February 2012



      We are who we are and in the end the choices we make will define us. As much as we all would like to think that life is what we make it, it can sometimes throw us for a loop or two. It may take us through the wrong path at that fork in the road. Which way do we go? One leads to many unknown mistakes, while the other leads to unknown possibilities. How do we choose they right path?
      At times we choose the wrong path, unknowingly or blindly, for whatever reason that path at the time seems to be the right choice because it feels incredible! Your body, your mind and your heart is filled with so much beauty or so much excitement that you forget have is real and what truth. One will always get lost in excitement - I mean how can you not? When something feels so good, that is all you want - to feel good. But in the end what you once felt in your heart turns ugly because it was based on lies and that is never good. You may have wanted the life to be real but you now have to come to terms with reality.

      The lies we tell ourselves and to others feed the biggest fears within ourselves. Everything you thought was pure and good, is in fact not real. At this point it is to late because you have gone to far down the path of choice and you did not just hurt yourself, you hurt the ones you loved.

      After all the lies have been shed to light and all we are left with is the huge hole in our hearts and the pain of knowing that what we have done has hurt so many people. We cannot change the past or take it back so we question ourselves - what are we really left with?

      Is there room for forgiveness and if so how much of it are we entitled to? How much can be given and is it right to ask for more? All these questions and really there is no answer because for each person the pain runs deeper. It is different in each case.

      I would like to think that perhaps everyone person will choose to forgive another person for the mistakes that have been made. I want to believe that everyone can redeem themselves and will be given a second, maybe third chance to show who they are. Who they really are.

      We are who we are and we make mistakes, we are not perfect and without forgiveness, hope and second chances how can we ever heal to be better? Our choices define who we are, right or wrong, mistakes or not and with that the hope to become better. A better person for ourselves and for everyone around us.

      Reach out, ask for forgiveness, ask for a second chance and hope. HOPE - hope that one day you can forgive, be forgiven and hope to forgive yourself. And, for those that will forgive and reach out to those who have done them wrong, you will heal too.

      This is who we can be. Forgiving, kind, compassionate and better people for each other. That is what makes us human.


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