Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Thursday 16 February 2012

How do I take your hand?

Last night I was laying in bed and thinking I just want the pain to stop but to what end? I do not want to hurt others, people that I love or love me. I wish I could finally feel something real because right now, nothing seems to be real. After all the bad things that have happened in my life over the years, from my childhood to now. It does not matter who did what or how because knowing does not help, trying to fix it does not work. 

What has happened to, what I am going through is bigger then me and everyday it is a battle that I have to fight with in my mind. Not being able to talk about or having to keep it inside has made me suffer in the great and worse ways. Right now, I feel that I cannot go on and everyone keeps telling me that I me and that I will. So, why do I not see or even feel it.

I am so tired, why did this happen to me? I was smart, honest and I could do anything. Sometimes, it came easy while other times I pushed and fought back. I was respected and I helped others, not hurt them. Out of no where, in one day it was all gone, I was gone and I lost who I was and what made me strong, good and true.

No one could ever image how hard all of this has been for me or even how selfish I feel for saying this now, saying any of this, now. But if I could just through and endure all of the bottoms, maybe the tops and highs will allow me to thrive and shine. To be able to turn down the anxiety and pressure, it could only bring me peace, achieve a normal life once again? I know I have to be patience and allow others to help me but how do I let go - how do I let you in? How do I take your hand?


All Waters by Perfume Genius

when all waters still
and flowers cover the earth
when no tree's shivering
and the dust settles in the desert

when i can take your hand
on any crowded street
and hold you close to me
with no hesitating 

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