Profound Quotes

You may be deceived if you trust too much but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough - Frank Crane

Monday 13 February 2012


I have mentioned a few things about my grandfather. He liked to do the cooking. He would make the best PANCAKES and MAC N CHEESE. But he would also making gross things like liver. 

I always had an immune system issue and low iron. So, he would try to get me to eat liver. (I think just saying it made me throw up a bit) He would try cooking it in different ways and dress it up to look like steak! But the smell OMG! was awful. He once cooked it with milk! Like that would help! I hated milk, too.

I had been sick for days and I was always sleeping. I remember waking up to a nasty smell and it sent me to the bathroom with my head in the toilet. I walked in the kitchen and a huge pot of water was boiling and this nasty looking thing was on a plate on the stove.

I asked what it was and he told me it was BULL'S TONGUE! Why? Why now and why me? “it’s good for you, kid” I took a fork, drove it into the damn thing and throw it out the door! The look on my grandfathers face was shock and he clearly did not approve but the look on my pale, green face was priceless so I was forgiven as I went back to bed. I thought for sure he was trying to kill me! (just pulling up these photographs are making me ill. The mind is powerful and my tummy think it has to eat this sh*t!)

The food people have wanted to make me eat to get better is overwhelming and way to gross! (SORRY) Weak tummy.


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